Scenic Design
Scenic Design
Young Frankenstein - Directed by Cynthia Brown
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Little Shop of Horrors - Directed by Chari Arespacochaga
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The Music Man - Directed by Tom Ossowski
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All Shook Up - Directed by Tom Ossowski - Florida State University - 2016
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Cabaret - Directed By Don Fox - The Post Playho
3 images
Chicago Wenatchee - Directed by Jaime Donegan -
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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Wenatchee - Directed by
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Hands on a Hardbody - Directed by Jaime Donegan
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Sister Act - Directed by Julio Augustin
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The Addams Family - Directed by Cynthia Brown -
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A Year with Frog and Toad - Directed by Dewayne Barrett
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The Elephant Man - Directed by Matt Cadman
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The Burlesque Show 2017 - Directed by Allen Val
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Shrek - Directed by Dewayne Barrett - The Post Playhouse, 2017
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Jobs Daughters - Set and Lighting by Don Fox -
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La Cage Aux Folles - Directed by Jaime Donegan
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Mama Mia - Directed by Dewayne Barrett - The Po
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Glengary Glen Ross - Directed by Kathy Smithson
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Mary Poppins - Directed by Dewayne Barrett
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Musical Comedy Murders of the 1940's - Directed
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Hairspray - Directed by Paul Atwood - Wenatchee High School - 2014
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Amadeus - Directed by Paul Atwood - Wenatchee High School - 2008
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Chicago - The Post Playhouse - Directed by Dewayne Barrett
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Crazy for You - Directed by Dewayne Barrett - P
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Charleys Aunt - Directed by Paul Atwood - Wenatchee High School - 2010
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Beauty and the Beast Post Playhouse
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Scenic Renderings
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The Rocky Horror Show - Directed by Jaime Doneg
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Young Frankenstein - Post Playhouse
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