Comedies and Dramas
Comedies and Dramas
A Christmas Carol Directed by Caitlin Lowans Theatreworks
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The Grapes of Wrath - Directed by Joe McGrath -
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Angels in America - Directed by Matt Bowdren -
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Dantes Purgatorio - Directed by Joe McGrath - The Rogue Theatre 2014
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By The Bog of Cats - The Rogue Theatre - Directed by Joe McGrath
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A Midsummer Nights Dream - Directed by Stephen
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Small Mouth Sounds
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The White Snake - Directed by Cynthia Meier - T
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Mistake of the Goddess - Directed by Joe McGrat
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The Elephant Man - Directed by Matt Cadman
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Awake and Sing - Directed by Bryan Rafael Falcon
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Betrayal - The Rogue Theatre - Directed by Cynthia Meier
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Amadeus - Directed by Paul Atwood - Wenatchee High School - 2008
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Hamlet - Directed by Cynthia Meier - The Rogue Theatre, Tucson, AZ - 2015
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Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Directe
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The Merchant of Venice - Directed by Cynthia Me
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Inspecting Carol - Directed by David Morden - A
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Measure for Measure - Directed by David Morden
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The Lady in the Looking Glass - Directed by Joe
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August Osage County - Directed by Terry Sloan -
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Midsummer Nights Dream - Directed by Richard Ro
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Miss Yella Rose - Written and Directed by Lee M
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Glengary Glen Ross - Directed by Kathy Smithson
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Twelfth Night - Directed by Lisa Kraus - Palisa
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Twelfth Night - Directed by Melissa Marlowe - S
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Man Maid - Written and Directed by Noel DeLeon
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Hamlet - Directed by Nicole Villacres - Mission Creek Theatre - 2008
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Charleys Aunt - Directed by Paul Atwood - Wenatchee High School - 2010
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Musical Comedy Murders of the 1940's - Directed
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